Be a HERO to a co-worker in need!

Payroll Donation Program

The RK Cares HERO Fund is funded solely by employees to help co-workers and their immediate family. It’s a simple way to lend a hand to someone going through a significant hardship or personal emergency.

To opt-in to the HERO Fund payroll donation program, simply click on the link below and complete the online form. You decide the amount to want to donate and you may discontinue your payroll deduction at any time. You can give as little as $1 per week, or as much as you’d like, and it’s automatically deducted from your weekly paycheck. In general, a $5 per week donation seems to work for many people. Everyone donation helps and collectively we can make a difference to a co-worker in crisis.

Your donations are tax-deductible and a summary of your contribution will be mailed to you in January for use in submitting an itemized tax return. Please note, there is no obligation to enroll in the payroll donation program in order to apply for a HERO Fund grant.

One-Time Donation

If you would prefer to make a one-time donation, it is also most appreciated. Please donate via Venmo to @RKCares.

You may also donate via check to the following:
RK Cares Foundation
Attn: HERO Fund
RK Industries
3800 Xanthia Street
Denver, CO 80238

Questions? Please email