The RK Cares HERO Fund has a five member Board of Directors that will meet quarterly at a minimum. The volunteer board will oversee the governance and compliance of the program and all financial matters, granting criteria for those applying for emergency funding, appoint the Review Committee and determine the community funding recipient.

Secondly, the fund has a Review Committee made up of seven to nine RK employees that will review the requests and make funding decisions.  The responsibilities of the Committee includes:

  • Monthly meeting to review submitted applications. As needed, conference call or web meeting to review emergency requests for quick turnaround.
  • Decision makers on grants and level of funding provided, within the parameters established by the Board of Directors.
  • Appointed by and, as necessary, reports to the Board of Directors.
    Agrees to sign confidentiality agreement and to keep participation anonymous to the company at large.
  • Serves a one or two year term.